“A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few
original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering”
– Freeman Dyson
Peer Group Project activity encourages and supports Inter-Departmental Student teams across all years to hone innovative ideas and their implementation to the level of proof-of-concept and beyond wherever feasible. Here Students coming up with ideas that something others have not thought of. Whether it may be inventing a new product or coming up with solutions to a problem, innovativeness requires creativity because one has to be capable of connecting abstract ideas and facts with existing scenarios before creating something different and unique Projects. In Each department, Peer students are motivated by faculty members to do innovative projects. The main motto of this group is “Build Idea, Take Risks, Make Mistakes and Learn More”.
Objectives of the Practice:
- To pave way for promising young innovators in reaching new heights.
- To achieve ideas into prototype/product by the young innovators thereby building teamwork and leadership capabilities.
- To inculcate research attitude among students.
- To showcase their products to the outside world and give them an opportunity to get recognized.
Stages of Practices:
- Idea Pitching event:
Announcement of Ideation competition will be done by August of every academic year. The potential faculty member identifies the interested students for the Peer Group, comprising of students of IV, III, II year UG and a PG in their discipline of Engineering / Technology. Every year over hundred ideas are received from students under the following categories:
- An idea of a machine or a gadget, which is not available but the student desires to have such a machine or a gadget.
- An idea of improvement in any existing/available machine or gadget, so that it becomes multifunctional, efficient, reduces drudgery etc..
- Any idea or an innovation that can solve a local technological problem, which a student may be seeing everyday around her/him.
Faculty mentors provide help to student-teams in formulation of the project proposals.
- Evaluation of Ideas:
The evaluation of ideas will be done in two stages:
* Scrutinizing by Internal Experts
* Scrutinizing by Industry Experts
During Initial round of evaluation, the proposed ideas are screened by the internal experts and about 40 are shortlisted. In the second stage, Judges are invited from industries and research institutions at National and International level including accomplished alumni of KVCET for selection of projects to be pursued.
The best 20 ideas are selected by the industry experts every year and these ideas are funded by the Institute to create the prototype/product.
- Evaluation Criteria:
The ideas will be judged based on the following criteria:
- Cost effectiveness
Does the project reduces cost of an operation time without any accuracy loss, health/ financial or environment concern.
- Scope of diffusion
Social or Commercial -Whether the project can be put to practical use? Scale may be large or small, does not matter.
- User friendliness
Is the project user friendly or not? What will the use of a great idea, if it cannot be used by people intended for/ or implemented
- Relevance in Current Govt. Schemes
Does the project align to any of the current Govt. schemes like Swatch Bharat, Start-up India, Digital India, etc.
- Monitoring of Progress:
After Selection, Peer group students will carry out design, fabrication, testing and develop a prototype working model. The Peer Groups present their work in a phased manner to the Internal Evalaution Committee for suggestions and improvements to be incorporated. The committee will review and evaluate periodically the progress made for the successful implementation of the project.
- Credits and Awards:
The completed projects will be demonstrated by all the Peer Groups and by merit; awards will be presented to the best 3 projects with the cash prize. Entrepreneurship Development cell and Incubation Centre of KVCET together support the students projects for further development into deliverable products, to file/obtain patent and to incubate as Startup.