Master of Business Administration


In order to meet the wide ranging, challenging and growing demands for professional Managers, in the recent times, from both the developing and the developed Nations, the Department of “Management Studies” was established in the year 2005, in the College, as an exclusive Department to offer MBA with an annual intake of 60.

The Objective of the Department is to provide “Management Education” and promote the growth of effective and efficient “Business Managers” through adherence of the highest Standards of Academic Integrity and overall Ethical Conduct, to develop a sense of Individual Responsibility and to collectively participate in reinforcing and maintaining an environment of honour, trust and standards.

The Department strives to develop long term relationships with industries and market the Students Talents effectively; the students are thus provided high level leads and career pathways that enable them to gain access to a broad range of high potential MBA Career Opportunities.


To become the preferred business school for management education and research in northern part of Tamilnadu.


  • To equip students with leadership skills to face the global competition through various specializations.
  • To provide conducive ambience for teaching and research
  • To Produce the Managers with an ability to tackle business problems
  • To nurture entrepreneurial skills among the students


Dr. S. Shahul Ameed

Professor & Head

Department of Management Studies

Phone : 9865135804

Official Mail Id:

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