Z – Batch Mentoring
Being good in academics alone is not enough to face the society in future and to get placed. Confidence level, presentation skills, fluency in English, body language are the main hurdles for students to move forward. In a Z -Batch Mentor Support, the students are more engaged in learning real-world problems. When students see the connection between what’s inside and what’s outside their classroom, they build bridges beyond the classroom by connecting content with careers, giving opportunities to join local and worldwide communities, showing everyday applications of learning. Students are supported to blossom in real world by conducting various sessions like “tell me why”, technical cross words, “how stuffs work”, what are the recent trends in Engineering and Technology ,Mini Projects, Group Discussions, etc.,
Students who are exemplary in academics are picked from each year in every Department to form “A special mentoring committee”
Things we Do in a Z batch
- Z-Batch mentors train the students to shine more in other activities rather than academic excellence.
E.g. : Online Courses on NPTEL, Paper Publication, Group Discussion, Problem Solving Techniques, etc., - Knowledge Transfer (KT) sessions are also conducted for all the students on any technical concepts, equipment and new software.
- It Creates an opportunity for students to speak out loud on technical data.
- Students are encouraged to do mini projects and exhibit.
This kind of Sedona help them learn and practice team work, body language and presentation techniques in real world scenario. Z-Batch Mentoring encourages students to be active, mentally, physically and technically. It provides the best way to make a real world connection. ‘Let’s go do it,’ not ‘You go do it.’- As quote says, Z -Batch Mentor guides and supports the students to deal with real word problems.
A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.