Institutional distinctiveness 

Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) – “Campus to Community”

The institution is proud in turning the spotlight on the prime distinct area which takes everyone to its vision, priority and thrust.

As the vision statement states that the institution shaping personnel for nation-building (as stated in value framework of NAAC),

the institution strives to induce the social responsibility in the minds of the students. Since its inception the institution has been

striving hard to develop all-round personality of the students. The institution aims not only in fulfilling academic needs of the

learners but also in reinforcing the values of social responsibility and leadership skills. The students are young, vibrant and ever-

ready to act when they enter the portals of the college, hence it falls on the shoulders of the institution to guide them and

channelize their ideals in life for the benefit of the society. As active agents of social change, the institution strives to deal with

and find solutions to social problems which is a unique distinctiveness of the Institution that is “Campus to Community”.

 “Campus to Community” is an initiative of the Institution to Institutionalize the “transformation of the youth” is an integral

part of the functioning of the Institution. This initiative has the following objectives:

*  To create awareness on personal health and nutrition among school children and youth of the nearby villages.

*  To create awareness on hazards of chemicals and fertilizers and the uses of organic farming among farming community.

*  To create awareness among people of the adopted village about Swachh Bharat, Save Electricity, Water Conservation, Swachh 

     Pakhwada, etc.

*  To provide various scholarships and freeships for the needy students.

The performance and achievement of the Institution in this aspect is distinctive. The institution is highly committed towards

community and rural engagement and participates in development. As a part of institution’s social responsibility the following

are the major distinctive areas where the institution shows commitments towards societal contribution and nation building.


    Scholarship and Freeships

    As a part of social responsibility, the institution provides various scholarships and freeships for the students. The fee concessions

    includes Free Education for Government School Students, 50% scholarship for First Generation Students, 100% Merit

    Scholarship, 50% Merit Scholarship, Partial fee waiver for Ex- Defense, Serving in Defense, Differently abled, Single parent,

    Tribal, Farmers, Institution Employees etc.


      Adopting Villages

      Our Institution has participated actively under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, a program from MHRD, Government of India. Five

      cluster villages, Nallamur Keelakaranai, Rottukadai, Piyambadi, Kolathur and Peruveli are selected for UBA programme. NSS

      volunteers along with the staff members actively participated and created awareness on Tree plantation, Basic Cleanliness in and

      around the House, Sanitation, Segregation of Degradable and Non- Degradable waste under the scheme. A fund of Rs.50,000 was

      allotted to the institution by MHRD for effective implementation of UBA.

        Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

        The NSS & YRC volunteers, students and faculty participated in various activities, Rallies in respect of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

        at various locations such as nearby Villages, Bus terminal, Temples, Government Schools etc. demonstrated the process of

        cleanliness, created the awareness, importance of healthy and hygienic environment to lead sustained quality life.


          NSS Camps

          The Institution in collaboration with the parent university facilitates the NSS unit of the Institution to organize the NSS Special

          camps at nearby villages every year to facilitate the students and community to practice, to communicate the following.

          1.  Awareness of cleanliness, hygienic

          2.  Use of washrooms and toilets especially for women community.

          3.  Conservation and optimum use of water resources.

          4.  Awareness of government schemes and facilities.

          5.  Awareness in respect of financial assistance from financial, commercial Institutions.

          6.  Maintenance of roads, gutters and drainage system of the villages.

          7.  Organizing skits, street play and drama on traditional, cultural and folk activities to pass adequate messages.

          The NSS units, NSS officers, NSS volunteers bagged the various awards and recognitions.

          a.)  NSS units-best NSS unit award

          b.)  Best NSS volunteers

          c.)  Best NSS program officer


            Extension activities

            Moral, social and ethical values are inculcated in students with a vision to accentuate social responsibility, promote societal-

            contribution as an outcome of education and ensure voluntary participation of students in various clubs and associations. Through

            various clubs and associations activities, the institution attempts to instil social awareness, civic sense and concern for the


            The institution provides a platform to enhance their skills, intelligence and potentials with social responsibilities. In connection

            with Institutional Social Responsibility, the institution has carried out various activities for the welfare of the society through

            NSS, YRC, Students Club, Go Green Club, Women Empowerment Cell, Agriculture Club and Infinite Impact Club in the

            institution. Faculty members and students are encouraged to carry out social outreach programmes.

            Untitled design – 1

              Health checkup camps

              The various cells, NSS, YRC, organize health checkup camps, eye checkup camps, blood group detection and donation camps,

              Covid-19 testing camps, Covid-19 safety and awareness rallies, Vaccination camps in the Institution and nearby villages to

              facilitate the students, faculty and community to know the status of health, to initiate the measures to resolve various health issues

              leading to disease free healthy life.

              Every year, medical and dental camps are organized in the adopted village in association with Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of

              Medical Sciences & Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Dental Sciences to create awareness on personal health among rural


                Rallies to create awareness

                The faculty, students, NSS, YRC & other students clubs  of the Institution organizes various rallies to create  awareness in respect

                of the following.

                *  Road Safety measures

                *  Traffic awareness

                *  Right to Vote

                *  Save Water and Save Earth

                *  Prevention of AIDS 

                *  Ban on Plastic

                *  Covid – 19 awareness and Safety

                *  Swachh Bharath

                *  Legal awareness rally

                *  Pink Marathon for awareness on cancer

                *  Swachchata Pakhwada

                *  Anti-drug awareness.

                  Training Programme for farmers’ community

                  Every year, the institution is organizing special training programme for the nearby farming community and creating awareness on

                  Organic farming and their advantages and the ill effects of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides.

                    Environmental Promotional Activities

                    The Institution has a green policy to promote green environment such as energy conservation, rain water harvesting, usage of

                    LEB bulbs, Tree plantation, awareness programmes etc. Green initiatives have been implemented in the institution and same has

                    been inculcated in the minds of the students.

                    The social consciousness pertaining to the operations of the institution is manifest   through the     out-reach programs and

                    contribution to the social welfare measures. Students from rural, economically backward sectors and with special needs are taken

                    care of and rich contribution through service oriented out-reach programs are thus made to the society.


                      Outcome of the Distinctiveness

                      The outcome of the outreach and societal awareness programme are

                      1.  The continuous support and active co-operation extended by the local community for these programmes are the evidence of

                           our success.

                      2.  Increase Civic responsibilities in the minds of the students and the responsibility towards the rural community.

                      3.  Honing the leadership skills of students and being proactive and responding effectively in real-life situations.

                      4.  To inculcate the moral values and ethics in the minds of the students.