B.E. CIVIL – Department Events
Department of Civil Engineering Conducted Two Day National Conference on “INELLIGENT URBAN AND RURAL WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” Sponsered by Science and Engineering Research Board(SERB), New Delhi, Govt. of India, Sessions were handled by Dr. G. Bhaskaran Professor & Head, Department of Water Resource Management, University of Madras, Chennai.and Dr. K. SRINIVASA RAJU, Professor Institute of Remote Sensing Anna University, Guindy, Chennai delivered about (Geomatic Technology for Urban Water Management,Dr. R. SARAVANAN Professor, Centre for Water Resources, Anna University, Guindy, Chennai taken the session of Urban Water Management ).
- 4th International Virtual Conference on Recent Trends in Science Engineering & Management(ICRTSEM) on 14.08.2020.
- 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Science Engineering & Management (ICRTSEM) 22.03.2019 & 23.03.2019.
- 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Science Engineering & Management (ICRTSEM) on 23.02.2018.
- 1st International conference on Recent trends in Science Engineering & Management (ICRTSEM) on 11.03.2017.
- A National Conference on “Contemporary Approaches in Mechanical, Automobile and Building Sciences” – NCCAMAB -15on 27th March 2015, Dr. D. MOHAN, Director, Center for Faculty Development, Anna University, Chennai has delivered Presidential Address.
- The Departments of Civil, Mechanical and Automobile Engineering were jointly organized a National level conference on “Contemporary Approaches in Mechanical, Automobile and Building Sciences” – NCCAMAB -14 on 28th March 2014. Dr.M.Ramalingam, Director, Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University, Chennai has delivered Presidential Address on the topic “Project Management”
Department of Civil Engineering Conducted One Day National Seminar on Global Climate Changes and Its Implications(GCCI 23) Sponsered by Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Sessions were handled by Dr.SULTAN AHMED ISMAIL,Member,Tamilnadu state Planning Commission,Dr.L.Elango, IIT Madras,Dr.R.R.Krishnamoorthy, Professor and Head,Department of Applied Geology,University of Madras
- Webinar on “Government Job Opportunities for Civil Engineers” by D. Kumaran,, Water Resource Department, Ground Water Section, PWD, Vellore on 21.11.2022.
- Webinar on “Career Guidance” by Mr. V.M. Subash Chandrabose, Director, Florida construction pvt Ltd., Chennai, on 18.02.2022.
- Webinar on “Importance and Application of Remote Sensing Techniques in Water Resource Engineering” by Dr.L.Ilangovan, Vice Chairman, Tamilnadu Water Resources Development Cell, PWD, Coimbatore, Dr.R. Vidhya, Professor and Director, CSTAR/ IRS, Anna University & Dr.S.Jayalakshmi, Associate Professor, IRS, Anna University, Chennai on 29.03.2021.
- Webinar on “A Novel Systems in Waste Water Treatment for Sustainable Development” by Dr.L.Ilangovan, Vice Chairman, Tamilnadu Water Resources Development Cell, PWD, Coimbatore on 28.12.2020.
- Webinar on “Data-Driven Optimization in Engineering” by Dr.S.Mohan, Professor, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras on 25.05.2020.
- Webinar on “Gender Equity” by Dr.R.Gayathri, Deputy Manager-Talent Management, KONE Elevator India Pvt Ltd, India on 17.05.2020.
- Webinar on “Pavement Analysis and Design”by Dr.Sakthivelan Ramachandran, Director, Rams Engineering Consultancy Services, Chennai on 04.05.2020.
- Seminar on “Structural Health Monitoring of Concrete Structures” by Dr.M.Neelamegam, Director Grade Scientist(Retd), SERC-CSIR, Taramani on 21.09.2017.
- Seminar on “Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Structures” by Dr.M.Neelamegam, Retried Director, Grade Scientist, CSIR, Chennai on 24.08.2016.
- One day Seminar on “Base Isolation & Seismic Consideration in Civil Engineering” by Dr.R.Balaji, Deputy General Manager, TCS, Chennai on 22.08.2015.
- One day Seminar on Effective use of Water Resources for Sustainable Development by Dr.R.Saravnan, Associate Professor,CWR,Anna University, Chennai on 11.03.2015.
- One day Seminar on Concrete Technology by Dr.B.H.Bharat Kumar, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR-SERC Chennai on 21.01.2015.
Faculty Development program/ Faculty Development Training Program
2) Three days FDP on “Sustainable Water Resource Management” from 14.06.2020 to 16.06.2020.
3) Six days FDP on “Water Resource Engineering” from 17.12.2020 to 23.12.2020
- One day workshop on Quantity Surveying was organized by Department of Civil Engineering. Resources Person Mr. Muhammad Suhaib, Samsco Construction, Aladdin Academy, Chennai on 01.10.2024. Click Here
- K. Srinivasa Raju, Professor, University of Chennai,has delivered a lecture on “Application of GIS for Urban Planning & Development” on November 10th 2023,Time 10 AM to 12 PM. It was very useful for students. Students were learnt very curiously.
- A Two days workshop on “Estimation & Quantity Surveying” by Kaka Mohammed Suhaib, B.E., M.B.A, Trainer, Alladin Academy –East Tambaram. Conducted for II, III & IV Year Civil Students on 27.10.2022 & 28.10.2022.
- Two days Workshop on “Staad pro & 3Ds Max” by CADDAM Technologies Pvt.Ltd.Chennai during 29.12.2020 & 30.12.2020.
- Two days Workshop on “Revit Architecture” by Mr.Udhayashankar Ramasamy during 29.05.2020 & 30.05.2020.
- Two days Workshop on “Simulation of Robotics” by Mr.A.J.Joel, Sr.Software Engineer, RR Donnelly during 29.05.2020 & 30.05.2020.
- One day Workshop on “Google Sketchup for Civil Engineers” by Mr.C.K.Ramesh kumar & Mr.Subash Chellapa, CADDAM Technologies Pvt.Ltd, Chennai on 10.02.2020.
- One day Workshop on “Structural Health Monitoring Techniques for Bridges” by Mr.J.Jegan, Chairman, Vector Solutions, Puducherry on 29.01.2019.
- Workshop on “Stochastic Control of Dynamic Structures Using FEM” by Mr.R.Dharmaraj,Senior Staff, CADDAM Technologies, Tambaram on 30.08.2017.
- National Workshop on “Effects of Wind on Tall Structures” Sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi by Dr.S.SelviRajan,Chief Scientist,CSIR-SERC,Taramani,Chennai on 24.03.2017.
- Workshop on “Water Resource Management in Civil Engineering” by Dr.Caroline Arul, Assistant Professor(SG), Centre for Water Resources, Anna University, Chennai & Dr.R.Saravanan, Associate Professor, Centre for Water Resources, Anna University, Chennai on 23.09.2016.
- Workshop on “Flood Management Using Remote Sensing & GIS in Civil Engineering”by Dr.D.Thirumalai Vasan, Professor & Director, Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management &K.Srinivasa Raju,Associate Professor,Institute of Remote Sensing & GIS ,Anna University,Chennai Conducted for Civil Students on 12.04.2016
- National Workshop on “Advanced Surveying and GIS” by E,Vellapan, Professor, IRS Anna university, Chennai & K.Srinivasan, Scientist, IRS Anna University, Chennai on 18.03.2015.
Guest Lectures
- One day Guest Lecture on “Contract Management” in Civil Lecture Hall at 11.00 am and delivered by Er. A. Venkatachalam, Joint Director, Highways Department, Chennai. Click Here
- Srinivasa Raju, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, has delivered a lecture on “Application of GIS for Urban Planning & Development” on November 10th 2023,Time 10 AM to 12 PM. It was very useful for students.
- A Guest Lecture on “Guidance for Cracking Competitive Exams” by J. Johnson, Consultant-Right to Education, Centre head, AorBorC Technologies, Chengalpattu. Conducted for Students of Civil, Mechanical, EEE and ECE department on 26.11.2022
- Expert Lecture on “EHS Management System” by Er.C.Vijay Anand, EHS Manager, L& T Construction, Conducted for II, III & IV Year Civil Students on 02.06.2021.
- Guest lecture on “Geophysical Applications in Civil Engineering” by Dr.L.Elango, Professor & Head, Department of Geology, Anna University, Chennai, Conducted for II, III & IV Year Civil Students on 07.05.2021.
- Virtual Guest lecture on “Advanced Structural Engineering” by Dr.Jessy Roby, Professor, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Conducted for II, III & IV Year Civil Students on 23.02.2021.
- Guest lecture on “Recent trends in Structure and Construction” by Mr.K.Saravanan, Senior Vice President, Eversendai Construction Pvt.Ltd, Conducted for II, III & IV Year Civil Students on 12.10.2019.
- Guest lecture on “Emerging trends in Civil engineering” by Mr.A.Kalaiarasan, Senior Engineer, CADD Centre Pvt Ltd, Chennai, Conducted for II & III Year Civil Students on 06.02.2019.
- Guest lecture on “Design Aspects of RC and Steel Structures” by Mr.R.Sathish, Design Engineer, BIM Technical Solutions Pvt Ltd, Conducted for IV Year Civil Students on 17.10.2018.
- Guest lecture on ”Design aspects of Wind and Solar energy plant Support Structures” by Dr.S.Gomathinayagam, Former Director general, NIWE, Chennai, Conducted for III & II Year Civil Students on 04.10.2018.
- Guest Lecture on “Recent Advances in Applied Hydrology” by Mr.M.S.Karthikeyan, Professor, Centre for Water Resource, Anna University, Conducted for III Year Civil Students on 06.03.2018.
- Guest Lecture on “Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Water Resources” by Dr.R.Saravanan, Centre for Water Resource, Anna University, Conducted for IV Year Civil Students on 05.03.2018.
- Guest Lecture on “Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges” by Dr.B.Arun Sundaram,Scientist,CSIRSERC,Taramani,Conducted for IV Year Civil Students on 31.08.2017.
- Guest Lecture on “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures” by Dr.R.Senthil, Director, Structural Engineering Division, Anna University, Chennai Conducted for III Year Civil Students on 25.09.2017.
- Guest Lecture on “Earthquake Engineering in India” by Mr.V.Vimalanandham, Former Scientist, CSIR-SERC Conducted for II Year Civil Students on 03.08.2017.
- Guest Lecture on “Environmental Engineering and its Applications” by Mr.S.Sellapa,Chief Engineer Rtd (TWAD), Professor, Jerusalem College of EngineeringConducted for III Year Civil Students on 23.03.2017.
- Guest Lecture on “Advancements in Structural Engineering” by Dr.K.Chinna Raju, Associate Professor, Structural Engineering Division, Anna University, Chennai Conducted for IV Year Civil Students on 20.03.2017.
- Guest Lecture on “Geotechnical Engineering and its Applications” by Dr.M.Mutharam, Associate Professor, Division of Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering, Anna University, Chennai Conducted for II Year Civil Students on 20.03.2017.
- Guest Lecture on “Rainwater Harvesting and its Utilization” by Dr.G.Ravikumar, Professor, Centre for Water Resources, Chennai Conducted for III Year Civil Students on 13.10.2016.
- Guest Lecture on “Watershed Management using Remote sensing and GIS” by Mr.Deenadhayalan, Chief Engineer (Rtd), PWD, Tamilnadu Conducted for IV Year Civil Students on 19.09.2016.
- Guest Lecture on “Rocks its classifications and its engineering properties” by Dr.P.Radhakrishnamoorthy, Deputy Director(Rtd), State Ground Water Department, Chennai Conducted for II Year Civil Students on 19.09.2016.
- Guest Lecture on “Recent Approach in Pavement Design” by Dr.R.Murgasan,Associate Professor, IRS, Anna University, Chennai Conducted for II Year Civil Students on 08.04.2016.
- Guest Lecture on “Remote Sensing and GIS” by Dr.R.Vidya, Professor, IRS, Anna University, Chennai Conducted for III Year Civil Students on 08.04.2016.
- Guest Lecture on “Geospatial Technology in Water Resources” by S.K.Subramanian, Former Scientist, ISRO, Colin Mackenzie Professor, IRS, Anna University, Chennai Conducted for III Year Civil Students on 15.09.2015.
- Guest lecture on “Design of Post-Tensioned Solid slab Bridge Deck” by Prof.V.Vimalanandam, Former Scientist(SERC),Chennai Conducted for IV year Civil Students on 03.08.2015.
- Guest Lecture on “Geographic Information System” by Dr.D.Thirumalaivasan, Director, Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management, Anna University, Guindy Campus, Chennai-25 Conducted for the students of III year B.E (Civil) on 9th March 2015.
- Guest Lecture on “Treatment of Water and Waste Water” by Dr.A.Navaneetha Gopalakrishnan, Former Director, CES, Anna University Conducted for the students of II year B.E (Civil) on 5th March 2015.
- Guest Lecture on “Project Management” by Mrs.K.Revathi, Senior Manager ECCI- Chennai Conducted for the students of III year B.E (Civil) on 10th February 2015.
- Guest Lecture on “Global Positioning System” by Dr.K.Srinivasa Raju, Associate Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University Conducted for the students of III year B.E (Civil) on 8th January 2015.
- Guest Lecture on “Fiber Reinforced Concrete” by Mr.V.Vimalanandam, Associate Professor, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Conducted for the students of III year B.E (Civil) on 5th January 2015.
- Guest Lecture on “Classification, Distinction and Engineering Properties of Rocks” by Dr.N.Rajeshwara Rao, Professor, University of Madras, Chennai, delivered Conducted for the students of II year B.E (Civil) on 11th September 2014.
- Guest Lecture on “Save Water Save Life”by Dr.Navaneedha Gopalakrishnan, Former Director, CES, Anna University, Chennai, Conducted for the students of II year B.E (Civil) on10th September 2013.
- Civil Engineering Department 2nd Year Students G. Manivarma and his team won 2nd prize with Cash prize ₹700 in National Level Technical Symposium “NakShAthra ’24” which was conducted by SA Engineering College, Chennai. Click Here