B.E. EEE – Department Events
- P.Ramesh, & K.E.Lakshmiprabha2023, ‘A novel Model for Optimization of Resource Utilization in Smart Agriculture System Using IoT’ 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- P.Ramesh & P.Muthumari ,2023, ‘Design and development an Agriculture robot for Seed sowing, Water spray and Fertigation’ 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.Muneeswari vineetha ,2023, Robotic Trash Collector Boat Using Artificial Intelligent Techniques’ 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- Devipriya Vanarajan ,2023, INTELLIGENT CONTROL FOR ECONOMIC STUDENT BUS TRANSPORT WITH MANDATORY SAFETY MEASURES’ 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.Muneeswari vineetha ,2023, ‘Battery Management System Using State of Charge Estimation: An IOT Based Approach’ 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- Devipriya Vanarajan,2023, ‘Smart Embedded Framework using Arduino and IoT for Real-Time Noise and Air Pollution Monitoring and Alert system’ 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- Devipriya Vanarajan,2023, ‘Application of IoT and Artificial Intelligence in Road Safety’ 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- P.Muthumari ,2023, ‘On Real-Time Detection of Line Sags in Overhead Power Grids Using an IoT-Based Monitoring System: Theoretical Basis, System Implementation and Long-Term Field Verification’ 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- P.Muthumari ,2023, ‘Raspberry Pi Based Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using Convolution Neural Network ’ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.E.Lakshmiprabha, 2023, ‘Vision Based Surveillance Robot for Military Applications’, 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.E.Lakshmiprabha ,2023, ‘IBGS A Wearable Smart System to Assist Visually Challenged‘,5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.Muneeswari Vineetha ,2023, ‘IOT based Smart intgration of EV charging stations into Grid‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.Muneeswari Vineetha ,2023, ‘SMART ACTIVE PROTECTION FOR PV DC POWER PLANT USNG ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK ‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.Muneeswari Vineetha ,2023, ‘IOT based Wireless Power Transfer for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.Muneeswari Vineetha ,2023, EMBEDDED BASED SOLAR WIRELESS ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING SYSTEM, ‘5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- P.Muthumari ,2023, ‘Biometric Based Electric Pole System with IOT Technology ‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- P.Muthumari ,2023, ‘Solar based grid matching system using FPGA controller and SPEIC Converter‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- P.Muthumari ,2023,’ Power Quality Enhancement at grid side using Vienna Rectifier in Wind Energy Conversion Systems ‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- P.Muthumari ,2023,’ Power quality enhancement by using DSTATCOM in distribution side‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- Devipriya Vanarajan,2023,’ DALIS TOUCH SCREEN BASED AUTOMATION OF BUILDINGS MAKES USE OF PV-DERIVED POWER AND WSN‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- Devipriya Vanarajan,2023,’ WEATHER SENSOR BASED DUAL AXIS SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM FOR MPPT TECHNIQUE‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- Devipriya Vanarajan,2023,’ INTELLIGENT CONTROL FOR ECONOMIC STUDENT BUS TRANSPORT WITH MANDATORY SAFETY MEASURES ‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- Devipriya Vanarajan,2023,’ ADAPTIVE FEEDBACK LINEARIZATION CONTROL BASED COMMERCIAL POWER SAVER USING IOT ‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.E.lakshmiprabha ,2023,’ AI based Ground wire monitoring system‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.E.lakshmiprabha ,2023,’ AI based PV array controller using Matrix converter in grid side‘,5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.E.lakshmiprabha ,2023,’ Recent sensor based smart tracking system‘ , 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- K.E.lakshmiprabha ,2023,’ IOT based Energy meter monitoring system‘, 5th International conference on recent trends in science , Engineering &Management at KVCET on 24.3.2023
- P.Ramesh,2023,’ Design and development an Agriculture robot for Seed sowing, Water spray and Fertigation ’, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- P.Ramesh,2023,’ A novel Model for Optimization of Resource Utilization in Smart Agriculture System Using IoT’, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- K.Muneeswari Vineetha,,2023,’ Robotic Trash Collector Boat Using Artificial Intelligent Techniques ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- K.Muneeswari Vineetha,,2023,’ Battery Management System Using State of Charge Estimation: An IOT Based Approach ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- V.Devipriya,,2023,’ Smart Embedded Framework using Arduino and IoT for Real-Time Noise and Air Pollution Monitoring and Alert system ‘, National Conference on InnovativeTechnologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- P.Muthumari,,2023, ‘On Real-Time Detection of Line Sags in Overhead Power Grids Using an IoT-Based Monitoring System: Theoretical Basis, System Implementation and Long-Term Field Verification ‘, National Conference on InnovativeTechnologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- P.Muthumari,,2023, ‘Raspberry Pi Based Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using Convolution Neural Network ‘, National Conference on InnovativeTechnologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- K.E.Lakshmiprabha,2023,’ Vision Based Surveillance Robot for Military Applications ‘, National Conference on InnovativeTechnologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- K.E.Lakshmiprabha,2023,’ IBGS A Wearable Smart System to Assist Visually Challenged ‘, National Conference on InnovativeTechnologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- K.Muneeswari Vineetha,2023,’ IOT based Smart intgration of EV charging stations into Grid ‘, National Conference on InnovativeTechnologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- K.Muneeswari Vineetha,2023, ‘SMART ACTIVE PROTECTION FOR PV DC POWER PLANT USNG ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK ‘, National Conference on InnovativeTechnologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- K.Muneeswari Vineetha,2023,’ IOT based Wireless Power Transfer for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ‘, National Conference on InnovativeTechnologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- K.Muneeswari Vineetha,2023,’ EMBEDDED BASED SOLAR WIRELESS ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING SYSTEM ‘, National Conference on InnovativeTechnologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- P.Muthumari,2023,’ Biometric Based Electric Pole System with IOT Technology ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- P.Muthumari,2023,’ Solar based grid matching system using FPGA controller and SPEIC Converter ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- P.Muthumari,2023,’ Power Quality Enhancement at grid side using Vienna Rectifier in Wind Energy Conversion Systems ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication (i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- P.Muthumari,2023,’ Power quality enhancement by using DSTATCOM in distribution side ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication(i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- V.Devipriya,2023,’ DALI’S TOUCH SCREEN BASED AUTOMATION OF BUILDINGS MAKES USE OF PV-DERIVED POWER AND WSN ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication(i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- V.Devipriya,2023, WEATHER SENSOR BASED DUAL AXIS SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM FOR MPPT TECHNIQUE ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication(i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- V.Devipriya,2023,’ INTELLIGENT CONTROL FOR ECONOMIC STUDENT BUSTRANSPORT WITH MANDATORY SAFETY MEASURES ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication(i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- V.Devipriya,2023, ADAPTIVE FEEDBACK LINEARIZATION CONTROL BASED COMMERCIAL POWER SAVER USING IOT ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication(i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- K.E.Lakshmiprabha,2023,’ AI based Ground wire monitoring system ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication(i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023.
- K.E.Lakshmiprabha,2023,’ AI based PV array controller using Matrix converter in grid side ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication(i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023
- K.E.Lakshmiprabha,2023,’ Smart monitoring system in radiotherapy based oncology treatment ‘, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical, Electronics & Communication(i_TEC’23) on 21.4.2023
- Devipriya,2022,’Diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer using Deep learning’ ,World conference on Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation (WCMRI-2022) on 28th -29th October 2022.
- Devipriya & K.E.Lakshmiprabha, 2022, Design and Implementation of a hybrid multilevel inverter with a reduced number of switches and harmonics’ ,World conference on Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation (WCMRI-2022) on 28th -29th October 2022.
- E.Lakshmiprabha & A.Abitha, 2022, ’Implemenation of soft computing techniques on combined solar systems with unified power quality conditioner for power quality improvement’ 41st World conference on Applied Science ,Engineering & Technology (WCASET 2022)on 24th August 2022.
- Muthumari & K.MuneeswariVineetha ,2022,’Artificial Intelligence based Smart Monitoring and Radiotherapy for Oncology’ in than National Conference held on 3rd -4th November 2022.
- Muthumari,2022,’Power Quality enhancement in EV Charging and Discharging time with interfaced grid using instantaneous current control technique’ in AICTE sponsored International Conference on Innovative and cutting edge technologies in Electrical, Electronics, Computer engineering and Information Technology (ICICEECI 2022)on 14.12.2022.
- E.Lakshmiprabha,2022,’A novel dynamic energy amendment control for solar and brushless DC motor employed in Water Pump System ‘in AICTE sponsored International Conference on Innovative and cutting edge technologies in Electrical, Electronics, Computer engineering and Information Technology (ICICEECI 2022)on 14.12.2022.
- Virtual “International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronics, and Computing Technologies Iceteect’21” conducted on 30th June 2021.
- Virtual National Conference on Recent Advancement in Electrical Energy System (RAEES-2021) by 1.Mr.S.Arunprabhu Manager-process Planning Mahindra & Mahindra Chennai 2. Dr.S.Nagarajan Principal,Surendra Institute of Engineering & Technology West Bengal on 9.1.2021.
- Fourth International Virtual Conference on Recent Trends in Science Engineering & Management (ICRTSEM) on 14th August, 2020.
- Third International conference on Recent Trends in Science Engineering & Management (ICRTSEM) on 22nd & 23rd March, 2019.
- Second International conference on Recent Trends in Science Engineering & Management (ICRTSEM) on 23rd and 24th Feb, 2018.
- First International conference on Recent Trends in Science Engineering & Management, (ICRTSEM) on 11th & 12th March, 2017.
- National Conference on Recent Advancement in Power and Control Engineering RAPCE’ 13 by Mr.R.PanneerSelvam General Manager, Indus High Power Consultancies, Chennai on 05.04.2013.
- National Confernce on Recent Advancement in Power and Control Engineering RAPCE’ 12 by Mr.D.Maheswaran Head Engineering (EI & C) Power Transmission and Distribution L&T , Chennai on 22.03.2012.
Five Staffs from the department of EEE had participated in one day National Conference on “Advanced Functional Materials using AI” at Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai on 29.11.24
Ms.P.Muthumari, Department of EEE had published a book chapter titled, VLSI DESIGN, in Quill Tech Publications. click here
- One day Webinar on “Intellectual Property rights for entrepreneurs” by Dr. M.Nagamalar, Professor, SDNA Vaishnav College of Women, Chrompet & Mr. Siva Baarathi field coordinator, Anna university regional campus, Tirunelveli on 19.6.2021.
- One day webinar on “Embedded system” by Mr.C.V.Keerthi, Robert BOSCH, Senior software, Coimbatore on 21.6.2021.
- One day Virtual National Seminar on “Expectations of Industries from Young Engineers” by Mr.P.Ganesh , Senior Project Engineer, Honeywell Automation India limited, Chennai, Mr.P.Aldo Paulraj Assistant Manager, Yokogawa India Limited, Bengaluru & Ms.S.Nancy Priya William, Senior Technical Writer, Zoho Corporation, Chennai on 31.5.2021.
- One day seminar on “Future of IOT (Internet of Things) In Renewable Energy-FIRE-2017” by on 29.08.2017.
- Two days seminar on A’ BEST by Mr. S. Satheshkumar, Dy. Director MSME,Ministry of MSME,Chennai.,Dr. B. Umamaheswari, Professor and chairperson Department of EEE,Anna University, Chennai from 23.03.2016 to 24.03.2016.
- Additional Director/Head National Institute of Wind Energy,Chennai.,. Mr. R. Kumarvel,Assistant Vice President Regen Power tech Pvt Ltd,Chennai .,. Mr. Sanju Davis,Deputy General Manager,Gamesa Wind Turbines Pvt Ltd on 22.08.2015
- RTPCNEC’14 by Mr.P.Jayaprakesh, SR, Deputy General Manager IT Infrastructure, L&T Chennai on 27.03.2014.
- One day Webinar on “IOT for Electrical Drives” by Dr.Athif Shah, Managing Director ,ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai on 27.4.2020.
- One day Webinar on“ IOT – Future Opportunities” by Dr.Athif Shah, Managing Director ,ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai on 9.5.2020.
- One day Webinar on “Energy Management System Using Cloud Computing” by Mr.Gratias Joseph Kolleril Senior Engineer,DELL on 15.5.2020.
- One day Webinar on “Electric Vehicles-Current and Future scenarios” by Mr.S.Arun Prabhu Managing Director –Process Planning Mahindra & Mahindra ,Chennai on 19.5.2020.
- One day Webinar on “Role of IOT in Renewable Energy Resources” by Mr.Siva Software Engineer , VEI Technologies on 12.12.2020.
- One day Webinar on “Cloud Computing For Electrical Engineering” by Mr.Gireeshkumar Senior Technical Associate Tata Communication Ltd,Chennai on19.12.2020.
Students – Seminars
Thirteen Students from the department of EEE had presented paper in one dayNational Conference on “Advanced Functional Materials using AI” at Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai on 29.11.24
V.Vidhyasagar and A.Nigalyathird year Students, paper presented in one dayNational Conference on “Advanced Functional Materials using AI” at Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai on 29.11.24 and got Best paper with First place in Paper Presentation Click Here
P.Vijayalakshmi , Second year Student had attended NPTEL Online Course title, Introduction to adaptive signal processing and secured with a consolidated Score of 49%. Click Here
- A.Dhanushaa, Final year Student had attended NPTEL Online Course on 28.9.24 title, Power system Protection & Switch gear and secured with a consolidated Score of 61%. Click Here
- Three Students from the department of EEE had Participated in Two days Hands on Training, Title, IOT with Cloud Computing at SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY on 22.8.24 and 23.8.24 Click Here
Faulty Development Program/Short Term Development Program
- Three days STTP on “Real Time Simulation and Application for Renewable Energy System” by 1. .Mr.S.Selvakumar , Senior Engineer ,Power Projects 2.Mrs.C.R.Amdhu, Senior Engineer ,Power Projects 3.Mr.Balaraman Lead Engineer ,Power Projects from 13th to 15th July 2020.
- Three days FDP on “Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering”1.Bhukya RamdasDeputy Director (Technical) National Institute of Wind Energy(NIWE)Chennai 2. S.Yuvaraj Moorthy Associate General Manager Schneider Electric3. Dr.K.Ranjith Kumar ASP/EEE Vaagdevi College of Engineering Telgana from 25th to 27th July 2020.
- Conducted workshop on the title of ”Basics of Python ” by Dr.V.Ezhilavan,VEI technologies on 28th and 29th November 2022.
- Workshop on “PLC, SCADA &HMI” by Mr.Madhavan Mathivanan, Math technologies, Chennai on 29.3.2021.
- Two Day Workshop on “Solar and Smart Energy Systems” by Mr. A. Murugan,Technical Engineer, Vi Micro Systems Pvt Ltd, Chennai from 25.9.2018 to 26.9.2018.
- Workshop on “PCB design” by Mr.A.Vivek, Research Engineer, Prolific System & Technology Pvt. Ltd on 10.8.2017
- Two Day workshop on Programming in controller(ATMEL,PIC,ARM processor) by 1. Dr.A. Rathinam, Professor/EEE,SRM University, Chennai.2.Mrs.S.Vanila,Asst.Professor(Sr.G)/EIE, Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai from 29.1.2015 to 30.1.2015
- Two Day workshop on Robotic workshop and championship of Robo-Zest 2015 in association with IIT, Delhi by Mr. Suffian Suhail Research Engineer of Robo Species Technologies Pvt. Ltd from 30-01-2015 to 31-01-2015
- Two Day workshop on Industrial Automation by 1.Mr.Prateek Gupta 2.Mr.Rasleen Singh from 29.12.2014 to 30.12.2014
- Two Day workshop on ROBO –ZEST 2014 by Mr.Sunil ROBO Species Technology Noida from 20.02.2014 & 21.02.2014
- Two day workshop on Embedded controller for electrical engineer by Mr.D.Karthik Project Leader,Hex Source Technology Chennai from 06.01.2013 to 10.01.2013
- Workshop on Mathematical modeling for power converters by Dr.P.Sanjeev Kumar, Professor, NIT Karaikal on 28.9.2013.
- Workshop on MATLAB for Electrical Applications by Dr.N.P.Subramaniam, Professor, PondicheeryEngg. College Puducherry on 5.10.2013
- Workshop on ELECTRO’13 -working modules on innovative technologies by Dr.J,Baskaran Professor&HoD,EEE Adiparasakthi engineering college on 22.8.2013
- Two Day workshop on ROBOTRYST -2014 by Mr. Shankar Robotryst 2014 , Delhi. (On behalf of IIT, Delhi) from 10.10.2013 to 11.10.2013
- One day workshop on “Embedded System” by Mr.C.SRINIVASAN,
- Two Day workshop on Simulation of 2D and 3D Electromagnetic Field and Design of Electrical Machines by Mr.A.Manikandan Application Engineer,essolve Services Pvt Ltd, Bangalore from 13.12.2012 to 14.12.2012.
- Two Day workshop on ROBOTRYST -2013 by Mr. Ajay and Mr.BaiKunthThevari ROBOTRYST 2014,Delhi from 04.10.2012 to 05.10.2012.
Guest Lectures
Guest Lecture was organized by the department of EEE, title “Intelligent Control of Electric Vehicle”by the Resource Person, Mr.MuralidharanGopi Ramesh, Assistant General Manager, Program Planning and Business Development, Stellantis Jeep-India & Asia Pacific on 20.11.24. Click Here
- Guest Lecture was organized by the department of EEE , title “Role of automation in Industry” by the Resource Person ,Mr.Mohandass Sundaramoorthy, Deputy manager, BMW India Pvt Ltd.on 20.9.24. Click Here
- Guest Lecture was organized by the department of EEE , title “Power Electronics for Renewable Energy System” by the Resource Person , Dr.N.P.Subramaniyam, Associate Professor, Pondicherry Technology University, Pondicherry.on 31.8.24. Click Here
- “Industrial application of electrical machines “by Dr.N.P.Subramaniyam ,Associate Professor,Pondicherry University on 14.10.2023
- “Hybrid energy technology” by G.Pandian,Senior plant manager ,Indian oil coporate ltd on 23.9.2023
”Flexible AC Transmission System ” by Dr.J.Balamurugan Senior Manger,TEDA,Hon.Secretary –IET,Vice chairman of IGEN on 25.3.2023.
- “Save energy for future generation” by Dr.Loveneesh Talwar Head & Prof, Yogananada college of Engineering and Technology, Jammu Kashmir on 31.3.2021.
- “Future Challenges in Electrical Automation for Industrial Applications” by Dr. C. Saravanan, General Manager, REEM Engineering Enterprises, Padi, Chennai on 6.2.2019.
- “Future Challenges in Electrical Automation for Industrial Applications” by Dr. J. Balamurugan, AE/Electrical, AE/IT WING, TNEB Head quarters, Chennai -2 on 28.8.2018.
- “Advancement in Electrical Machines for Industrial Applications” by Dr.M.A.Panneerselvam Former Professor &Director,Anna University on 28.8.2018.
- “Flexible AC transmission system” by Mr. J. Balamurugan AE/CC/INET/HQRS, TANGEDCO Chennai on 21.3.2016.
- “Measurement and Instrumentation” by Dr. K. Shailaja Professor, Department of Instrumentation,SJME Mysore on 24.03.2016.
- “Embedded System” by A. Athifshah MD, ABE Semiconductors design, Chennai on 28.03.2016.
- “ Control Systems” by Dr. Srinivasan Alavandar, Professor,EEE and Dean,R&D ,Agni College of Technology,Thalambur,Chennai-603103 on 7.8.2015.
- “Electromagnetic Theory ” by Dr. P. Dananjayan, Professor,ECE,Pondicherry Engineering College,Pondicherry on 12.9.2015.
- “Protection & Switchgear ” by Mr.V.Balasubramania,Executive Engineer,Chennai Electricity Distribution Circle,South TNEB, K.K.Nagar,Chennai on 29.5.2015.
- Electrical Machines by Prof.Sri ram Former Professor of Anna University on 01.10.2014
- Power Electronics by Dr.B.Elango,Former VC of Bharathiar university, Chairman EQIP Foundation on 30.09.2014 AN
- Transmission and Distribution by Prof.A.Murugesan, Retired hot line Engineer,TNEB on 30.09.2014 FN.
- Cell and Its structure by Dr. Jayaprakash,Ph.D Research Head , KVCET Department of Biotechnology on 28.08.2014.
- Measurements of high voltages and high currents by Dr.Sathiya Sekar Professor/EEE Vel tech University on 14.02.2013
- Recent technologies in solar power systems by Mr.M.S.KrishnaKumar Assistant Prof/EEE ,PeriyarManiyammai University on 25.01.2013.
- Power System by Mr.R.Monoharan Managing Consultant Elentech on 27.8.2012.
- Renewable Energy Systems by Mr.M.S.Krishna Kumar Assistant Prof/EEE , PeriyarManiyammai University on 22.01.2012
- Load Frequency Control Using Fuzzy Logic by Mr.Prem Kumar , Assistant Prof-ECE, SVCOE on 5.7.2011
- Adjustable Speed Drives by Mr.S.Palanisamy,AP/EEE, Bharath University on 14.9.2011.
- Power Quality by Mr.MANOHAR, AD., SingaperumalKoil on 8.3.2011.
- Power Transients by Mr.MOHAN, AE., Chengalpet on 8.3.2011.
- Digital Signal Processing by Mr.Rajan, AP ,EEE MGR University on 25.7.2010 & from 29.7.2010 to 30.7.2010.
- Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems by Mr.S.Kamalakannan HOD-EEE, ACT College on 18.02.2010.
Infinity Impact Club
- Department of EEE had Conducted IIC CLUB external activity on “Save Water” from Thirukazhikundram bus stand to government girls high school on 23.8.24 Click Here
- Department of EEE had Conducted IIC CLUB external activity on “Save Water” from Vaiyavoor government school to Vedanthangal sanctuary on 21.8.24 Click Here
Faculty Development Program
- Two Staffs from the department of EEE had attended, ATAL six days online Faculty Development Program on “Smart Grid and Smart Distribution System” in Mailam Engineering College, Mailam on 16/12/24 to 21/12/24.
- Five Staffs from the department of EEE had attended, ATAL six days online Faculty Development Program on “Next Generation Green Energy Powered Electric vehicle and Renewable energy” in Holy Mary Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad on 9/12/24 to 14/12/24.
Industry Mentor organized at the Department
Online Industry Mentor Interaction was organized by the department of EEE, by the Resource Person, Mr.C.J.Jayaseelan, Product Information Security Officer, Volvo Group Security, Volvo Group on 28.12.24 Click Here